Wednesday, June 10, 2009

turkISH deLiGhT - Orale !

June '09

Greetings and best wishes to all,
I've taken some trips recently and haven't kept to my duties of updating. Last week I was in Istabul Turkey where I spent a solid 7 days balancing my time between business and pleasure. In April we took a trip to Mexico City for a sweet vacation pre-swine flu season. The pics captured this week are from Mexico City and Istabul.
If you haven't been to Mexico or Istabul or previously considered it I strongly recommend the trips. In a way the two countries share some things like: * densly populated global metro areas with ancient, classic and modern architecture * croosroads countries ( Mexico is the crossroads to North and Central America as Turkey to Asian and Europe) * colors of life ( the street markets in Mexico City and Istanbul are diversly colorful )

1 comment:

lavbug said...

:)) nice one... although I am expecting to see more pics of you regarding your istanbul perspective...